
New Website!

We’ve moved to a brand new website+blog in one! I will no longer be posting here on this blog, so make sure you go to http://www.Rinasphotography.com for all future blog posts!





I have some big news to share with you.  News that’s hard to share; both happy and sad at the same time.  In a few short weeks, my family and my business will be moving to Monsey, and although I’m excited and happy about a new beginning for my family, (yay for grass and no alternate side parking!) I’m also really sad to be leaving all my amazing clients in Brooklyn and the surrounding areas. I started my business here about four and a half years ago, and I owe all my success and growth to you guys- the clients who used me way back in the beginning, the clients who sent their friends my way, the clients who supported me through every step of the way, and the clients who have turned into friends. Without you I wouldn’t be where I was today. Thank you.

I don’t want to say goodbye, because hey, Monsey is only an hour and change from Brooklyn, and I’m hoping that most of you will make the trip so we can continue our relationship. I do realize that for some people, putting very small kids and babies in the car for a long drive before a photo session may not be feasible, so I want to tell you that I do plan to come into to Brooklyn every so often and schedule sessions there. I may also have some special offers for those of you who come in to Monsey from Brooklyn for a portrait session.


To those of you reading this who currently live in or near Monsey, HI! I literally can’t wait to start scouting for some awesome new locations and to get to know you and your families.


Can I ask one thing from you? If you know someone who lives in Monsey or the surrounding areas (Teaneck, Passaic) that appreciates my style of high quality photography, would you kindly share this post with them? (use the buttons below this post to share via email, facebook, etc.)  A few seconds of your time is all it would take and it would mean a lot to me if you did. Thank you!


Enjoy the rest of your summer! I am currently booking sessions for October in Monsey (with possibly some openings in September in between yomim tovim).  If you have any questions feel free to email me at rinaschiffman@yahoo.com.


Yours amid piles and piles of boxes,



Most newborn babies make me melt a little inside, but then I saw this one and oh my gosh… I was ready to run away with her. (not for real. You can stop dialing the police now). She’s such a tiny little thing but with these humongous eyes and such an adorable face! (ok Rina, breath. Remember, you like sleeping through the night…) Here are some of my favorite portraits from this doll’s photo session.

Newborn portrait photographer NY Newborn portrait photographer NY  Newborn portrait photographer NY Newborn portrait photographer NY   Newborn portrait photographer NY Newborn portrait photographer NY Newborn portrait photographer NY Newborn portrait photographer NY Newborn portrait photographer NY

Apparently, I’m either very scary looking or this baby simply didn’t like me. She cried hysterically for most of the shoot, until at the end, with moms help, we were able to get a few non-crying shots. It’s a good things she’s so adorable! Her older sister and brother had a blast hamming it up in front of the camera. They’re the most loveable kids- I’ve photographed them twice in the past and they literally  keep getting cuter!

NY Child photographer NY Child photographer NY Child photographer NY Child photographerNY Child photographerNY Child photographer NY Child photographer NY Child photographerNY Child photographer

Ok, so the baby technically doesn’t have real curls yet- but she definitely is starting to show signs of her older sisters’ awesome hair! This stunning family was the winner of the  Flatbush Hatzoloh Chinese Auction portrait package. Dad is a member of this amazing organization- thank you for all your hard work and the many hours you give up to help others. Although they were the ones who won the drawing, I think I’m the lucky one here- to get to photograph such adorableness! This first family shot was ordered as a big canvas , and we created a gorgeous wall display with Thin wraps of each of the girls on the cream background with all four of them in a big vertical one in middle. I’m sure they will enjoy these portraits in their home for a really long time.

family portrait NY PhotographerIMG_0193 family portrait NY Photographergirl portrait IMG_0359girl portrait baby girl beautiful portraitbaby girl beautiful portraitbaby girl beautiful portraitlittle girl portraitlittle girl portrait laughing   IMG_0266family portrait NY Photographerfamily portrait NY Photographer

One of the things I love about shooting outdoors is that I get to see families interact- for real, not just the things I make them do for pictures. The sessions are more spontaneous than studio sessions and I get to watch my clients play with their kids, calm down the anxious or overly energetic ones, and act silly to get everyone in a good mood. I get to see everyone’s true natures. When I met the B. family at the park recently, of course I noticed how adorable they all were, but I also noticed what great parents mom and dad are. Mom was so calm and happy – which in turn made the kids totally at ease, and the love between every member of the family was so apparent. When you put great looking people in a pretty setting and all you have to do is capture love- you just know the portraits will be special. And they are. Thank you B. family for a really great session! family portrait family portraitfamily portraitlittle girl portrait black and white family portrait  little girl portrait  little girl portrait little boy portrait little boy portrait little girl portrait little girl portrait family portrait family portrait family portrait

I photographed this gorgeous family exactly two years ago. They recently came back for some portraits with a new baby – isn’t it amazing how much a family can change in just two years? It just proves how important it is to make the time in your hectic life to get some professional portraits done- because before you know it, your family is completely different, and how else will you remember this time in your life?

Here they are two years ago:

child portraits ny

And here they are today:

family portrait photography NYIMG_9998child photographer NYIMG_9908child photographer NYchild photographer NYchild photographer NYchild photographer NYchild photographer NYchild photographer NY

summer ad 2013 fb

…is when my clients keep coming back. This beautiful family is one of my earliest clients. I’ve photographed them a couple of times and its always a pleasure to work with them. I’m truly grateful that I’m able to make my clients happy and to be able to see their family grow!

NY NJ Family portrait baby portrait NYchildren's portrait NY little girl portraitlittle girl portraitportrait of a girl NY

I apologize for getting so behind with blogging! Between Shavuos, a family simcha, and general end of year craziness, I was thrown off schedule and I’m finally starting to feel like I’m catching up a little. These gorgeous siblings came in for a portrait session with a focus on upsherin pictures. Can you believe how gorgeous they are? Mom coordinated the colors amazingly and everything just worked so perfectly together. Check out the curls (and eyes! and dimple!) on S., the upsherin guy. Pure cuteness right there. And little sis’s personality was way bigger than her adorable grin- which is pretty big! Check out some of our favorites. gorgeous upsherin portrait gorgeous upsherin portrait gorgeous upsherin portrait gorgeous upsherin portrait gorgeous upsherin portrait sibling portrait sibling portrait sibling portrait